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Play Plus Toy Library


Play Plus is a toy library based in the Inch / Cameron Toll area of Edinburgh. Join the toy library as a member and enjoy free open play sessions, where you can drop in to meet new families, and borrow or play with the toys. There is a wide range of good quality toys and resources for children, families, carers and childcare groups. We also offer teas, coffees and healthy snacks for children during the play session.



On a Tuesday and Thursday morning from 10:30am to 12pm the Toy Library is open, you can join us for all or part of the session. Toys are laid on floor mats and at child size tables out for your child to explore and choose what to borrow.

We often have some ‘mucky play’ equipment out for little hands to explore textures via sand, water and painting. Help is always at hand to suggest activities, and with choosing the age and stage appropriate toys to take home.


For the last hour of the Toy Library we bring out some bikes for children to play with, and if the weather is nice will arrange activities to play outside with.


To borrow toys you must become a member (£4 to join for a year) where you will receive a membership card and number, you can then borrow up to four items at a time for a period of up to one month. There is no charge to borrow toys and the teas / coffees are free but donations are welcome.


For more information on our events and see what we have been up to, please follow us on Facebook.



How to join




Anyone who looks after a pre-school wee one.

Come along on a Tuesday or Thursday morning and fill in a short application form.

£4 per annum.

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