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Inch Park Regeneration Plan


After withdrawing proposals to build new houses in Inch Park from the draft City Plan 2030, last September, the public consultation period on the proposed City Plan 2030 concluded on 20 December 2021 and the Council are currently considering the representations received, prior to submitting the Proposed Plan to Scottish Ministers in 2022.

Currently the Council’s Green Spaces team is developing options for the ‘Inch Park Regeneration Project’ to establish a Master Plan for Inch Park that would seek to improve and protect the park for local residents and wider park users for community, leisure, cultural, educational, environmental and sporting activities as well as providing a home for the Council’s plant nursery. Once completed later this spring, the Master Plan would form the basis of Council funding applications for delivery. ICA trustees have had early sight of the proposed options and while these still have to be concluded, the early options being considered, included many positive features that the ICA could support in any future redevelopment of Inch Park, including:

  • Enhancing the setting and curtilage of Inch House and opening / rehabilitating its historic walled garden for the use and enjoyment of the local community and visitors;

  • Improved access into and around Inch Park for vehicles, cyclists, pedestrians and people with limited mobility, and including better connectivity with current and future public transport corridors and hubs around the perimeter of IP;

  • Environmental improvements to Inch Park, including enhanced tree cover, proactive surface water management measures (that reflect the existing topography of the park), and the creation of wildlife-friendly spaces.

We will continue to monitor this process closely and provide updates on our website and Facebook platforms, as new information becomes available.




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