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Time to clean up the Inch

As was clear from our recent survey of Inch residents, many local people are concerned that the Inch has a litter problem. Not only are there too many people dropping litter in the streets, but the Council are taking far too long to remove it.

Littered streets make the whole area look bad. With this thought in mind, Inch Community Association has organised a couple of Saturday morning community litter picks. If people support us in this action, we’ll try and make them a regular thing.

Everybody is welcome. The litter pick will last for 2 hours (or for as long as you have time and energy), we will provide gloves, rubbish-bags and litter-picking equipment. Please wear older clothes. The Council are booked in to come and collect the rubbish at the end of the litter pick.

The Inch Community Litter Picks will last for 2 hours and will take place on:

  • Saturday, 20th November, at 11am (meeting place – in front of Scotmid in Walter Scott Ave.)

  • Saturday, 27th November, at 11am (meeting place – in front of the Day-today supermarket in Glenvarloch Crescent.)

  • Saturday, 22nd January at 11am (meeting point in front of the Co-op in Walter Scott Avenue)

  • Saturday, 29th January at 11am (Meeting point in front of the Day Today store in Glenvarloch Crescent)

We look forward to seeing you there!!


  • We’ll mainly be using special collecting equipment to pick up the litter. But some litter will need to be picked up manually, so please bring a pair of garden gloves with you to protect your hands. We will have anti-sceptic hand-gel available if needed.

  • Take care when collecting rubbish that there aren’t any concealed sharp objects, broken glass, or needles present. Never handle the rubbish with your naked hands.

  • Please bring a face-mask to avoid the risk of contracting/transmitting Covid in situations where people are close together.

  • Because collecting rubbish can be potentially dangerous, children can only take part in this event if supervised by their parents.

  • Check the weather forecast beforehand and dress in something waterproof, if it looks like it’s going to rain!!

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